Sidereal zodiac is also an imaginary belt of 360 degrees (like tropical zodiac), divided into 12 equal parts. Each twelfth part (of 30 degrees) is called sign or rashi.
They also recognize twelve zodiac signs, or Rashis: Number
No. Sanskrit Name Western Name
1 Mesha Aries
2 Vrishabha Taurus
3 Mithuna Gemini
4 Karka Cancer
5 Simha Leo
6 Kanya Virgo
7 Tula Libra
8 Vrishchika Scorpio
9 Dhanus Sagittarius
10 Makara Capricorn
11 Kumbha Aquarius
12 Meena Pisces
Sidereal zodiac is also an imaginary belt of 360 degrees (like tropical zodiac), divided into 12 equal parts. Each twelfth part (of 30 degrees) is called sign or rashi.
They also recognize twelve zodiac signs, or Rashis: Number
No. Sanskrit Name Western Name
1 Mesha Aries
2 Vrishabha Taurus
3 Mithuna Gemini
4 Karka Cancer
5 Simha Leo
6 Kanya Virgo
7 Tula Libra
8 Vrishchika Scorpio
9 Dhanus Sagittarius
10 Makara Capricorn
11 Kumbha Aquarius
12 Meena Pisces
મેષ (અ.લ.ઈ.) | કર્ક (ડ.હ.) | તુલા (ર.ત.) | મકર (ખ.જ.) |
વૃષભ (બ.વ.ઉ.) | સિંહ (મ.ટ.) | વૃશ્ચિક (ન.ય.) | કુંભ (ગ.શ.સ.) |
મિથુન (ક.છ.ઘ.) | કન્યા (પ.ઠ.ણ.) | ધન (ભ.ધ.ફ.ઢ.) | મીન (દ.ચ.ઝ.) |
Astrology is constantly fit for anticipating the future for anybody, regardless of whether it is a man, nation or the world itself, however astrologers can in some cases foresee the future and occasions precisely and help people from the upcoming bad times.
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